In this page, analysis are performed with respect to wave mode beam (wv1 or wv2) and pass (ascending or descending). Results are presented in 4 columns for WV1/Ascending, WV1/Descending, WV2/Ascending and WV2/descending - from left to right. This page deals with ocean surface wind as retrieved by ESA L2 WM algorithm from Sentinel-1 data. Some sections have "Details" sub-sections. They are for advanced users, but access is not restricted.
Data Set Statistics
This section presents general information on the data set used for the analysis such as its geographical and temporal distributions.
Geographical Distribution
This section presents the geographical distribution of Sentinel-1 measurements used in this page for our analysis. Indeed, it may be interested to know how homogeneous in space is the sampling. It also allows a posteriori monitoring of the data acquisition plan. Note that we restricted our analysis to imagettes acquired between 60°S and 60°N to avoid any ice contamination.
Temporal Distribution
This section presents the temporal distribution of measurements used in this page for our analysis. Indeed, it may be interested to know how homogeneous in time is the sampling. It also allow a posteriori monitoring of the possible stops in the Wave Mode acquisitions.
Geographical Distribution of Incidence Angles
It presents the geographical distribution of the incidence angles for the considered month. Values around 23° are expected for WV1 and around 36° for WV2.
Distribution of incidence Angles Values
It presents the distribution of the incidence angles for the considered month. Values around 23° are expected for WV1 and around 36° for WV2.
Counters of bad wind speed values
Distribution of Wind Speed values
It presents the distribution of the values in variable oswWindSpeed annotated in ESA WV OCN products for acquisition on land. WV1 and WV2 are separated.
Geographical Distribution of ESA L2 Wind Speed and ECMWF Wind Speed
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Speed
It presents the mean ocean surface wind speed for the considered month as measured with Sentinel-1.
ECMWF Ocean Surface Wind Speed
It presents the mean ocean surface wind speed for the considered month as given by ECMWF model.
ESA L2 Wind Performances
This section presents the performances of ESA L2 Ocean products for wind speed and direction. The reference is given by ECMWF model. It is used as reference on a statistical point of view because we consider a large number of situation over all oceans.
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Speed VS ECMWF Wind Speed
It presents comparisons between Ocean Surface Wind Speed from ESA L2 and ECMWF for the considered month.
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Speed bias VS ECMWF Wind Speed
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Speed bias VS ECMWF Wind Direction
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Speed bias VS ECMWF Wind Direction - Low Wind Speeds
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Speed bias VS ECMWF Wind Direction - Medium Wind Speeds
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Speed bias VS ECMWF Wind Direction - High Wind Speeds
WW3 VS ECMWF Wind Direction
It presents comparisons between WW3 model Wind Direction and ECMWF (external) Wind Direction for the considered month.
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Direction VS ECMWF Wind Direction
It presents comparisons between Level2 Sentinel-1 SAR Wind Direction and ECMWF model (external) Wind Direction for the considered month.
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Direction VS WW3 Wind Direction
It presents comparisons between Level2 Sentinel-1 SAR Wind Direction and WW3 model (external) Wind Direction for the considered month.
Internal ECMWF Wind Direction VS External ECMWF Wind Direction
It presents comparisons between the variable oswEcmwfWindDirection provided by ESA into Level2 Sentinel-1 OSW products Wind Direction and ECMWF model (external) Wind Direction for the considered month.
Internal ECMWF Wind Direction VS ESA L2 Ocean Surface Wind Direction
It presents comparisons between the variable oswEcmwfWindDirection provided by ESA into Level2 Sentinel-1 OSW products Wind Direction and ESA Level2 Sentinel-1 OSW products Wind Direction for the considered month.
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Zonal Wind Speed VS ECMWF Wind Zonal Speed
It presents comparisons between Ocean Surface Zonal Wind Speed from ESA L2 and ECMWF for the considered month.
ESA L2 Ocean Surface Meridional Wind Speed VS ECMWF Wind Meridional Speed
It presents comparisons between Ocean Surface Meridional Wind Speed from ESA L2 and ECMWF for the considered month.